Little Tait Fund

Tait Edward Zimmerman, Jr. was born November 6, a 27-week preemie, weighing just 2 pounds 9 ounces, and measuring 14 inches long. Amazingly, Little Tait was breathing on his own, though he did need significant breathing assistance over the next few months. Little Tait spent his first three months in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the Children’s Hospital at Providence in Anchorage, AK, connected to numerous feeding and oxygen tubes, wires, leads, and IV’s.

Little Tait finally came home on February 6, his three-month birthday, weighing 8 pounds 15 ounces. Today, he is a smiley, chubby, healthy little guy who brings constant joy to his parents. While he may need some therapies in the future, and has minor lung damage (common in babies who have been on extended breathing support), he faces no major medical challenges. Tait and Lauren are so thankful to the Lord for all the Lord has done in and through their precious son’s life, and pray that Little Tait would grow up to be a mighty man of God.

 Our Needs.....

The first hurdle that we face (now that we're home from 3 months in the hospital!) is the neonatology bill. The neonatologists performed a key - albeit expensive - role in our little guy's life! We have access to a professional hospital negotiator through a ministry to which we belong. Our representative has been able to negotiate the neonatology bill down 72.35% - from $186,769 to $51,644.35! Unfortunately, the neonatologists are only giving us 90 days (until June 3rd) to come up with the money! They do not want a long term outstanding balance on their books. If we do not raise the money by June 3rd, then they will turn the bill over to collections and it will skyrocket up to the original amount of $186,769. We appreciate your help! Click Here To Donate Now!!!

1 comment:

Lauren Zimmerman said...

Hello! I'm not sure when this was posted (couldn't find the date), but I wanted to thank you for posting it! We have been very blessed!

Lauren, for the Zimmerman Family